Home Decorating Tips

When is the best time to do paint projects? A professional will tell you that the perfect season is summer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t paint in the rainy season or colder part of the year! Learn about how the weather affects paint, along with tips on how you can pull off a paint project in the rainy season, and some indoor painting ideas you might want to try.
Paint & the Weather
In planning paint projects, the weather will always be an important factor as it greatly affects your paint’s quality and the outcome of your project. More specifically, it’s the temperature and humidity that you have to keep your eye on.
To avoid paint problems that may show later, paint needs to dry properly. Extreme cold prolongs drying time, while intense heat dries paint too quickly. A temperature of 45°F is ideal for oil-based paint, while above 50°F is a must for latex and acrylic paints. But make sure to check your product’s package for specifics.
To avoid paint problems that may show later, paint needs to dry properly. Extreme cold prolongs drying time, while intense heat dries paint too quickly. A temperature of 45°F is ideal for oil-based paint, while above 50°F is a must for latex and acrylic paints. But make sure to check your product’s package for specifics.
When there’s too much moisture in the air, it takes longer for water in acrylic or latex paint to evaporate. This results in a longer drying time.
Low temperature and high humidity (which you can expect in the rainy season) can dampen your paint project’s success with damages such as faulty adhesion. If paint fails to stick properly on a surface, you can expect cracking, peeling, and discoloration to appear sooner than expected.
But hey, if you need to paint and do necessary home improvements, there are workarounds!
Can You Paint Inside While It’s Raining?
Unless humidity is too much, painting indoors when it’s raining outside is possible! Just remember to keep with these tips for painting indoors while raining.
○ Be in control of your interior space’s humidity! Consider using an air conditioner or a dehumidifier to adjust humidity levels to what’s ideal for painting.
○ With a thermometer, check if the temperature is not too cold. Remember to use your product’s details (usually on the packaging) as a guide.
○ Make it a part of your thorough surface preparation to check if your wall or surface is dry. That means no drop of water on any part of your surface, including corners and nail holes!
○ Rain outside means the paint will dry slower than expected. A light breeze can help. Optimize airflow and ventilation by leaving doors and windows open. Just make sure that water stays out.
○ Using fans is a good alternative to leaving doors and windows open for drying paint.
○ Equip yourself with reliable tools and quality products. For exterior and interior home surfaces, Island Prima is a pure acrylic-based paint that suits the changing conditions of the Philippine weather with high gloss and superior gloss retention in each coat. Together with Island Premium Paints’ Product Satisfaction Guarantee, superior adhesion, excellent hiding, and outstanding color retention are a promise.
Paint Project Ideas for the Rainy Season
Now that you know that it’s okay to paint indoors while raining, it’s time to start planning! If you don’t have any lined up yet, you might want to try the following suggestions for your rainy season indoor painting project.
Renew Old Pieces of Furniture
A good stain or paint can do wonders for old furniture and fixtures! Not only does paint give new life to worn-out pieces, but they also add a layer of protection against the elements. So do a little walkthrough in your home and check for furniture that needs a fresh coat!
Working with old, wooden furniture? Keep these do’s and don’ts in mind.
Paint a New Color for the Ceiling
Can’t find an old fixture that needs styling? Here’s an idea: look up! The ceiling is often overlooked in interior spaces. But adding the right colors (or even texture) can add visual interest to your room! Bright colors can add height to your space. White and its variations make your room look spacious and airy. On the other side of the spectrum, dark colors can add drama and may even function as your accent wall!
Paint ceilings like a pro with these tips from Island Premium Paints.
Put Emphasis on Your Accent Wall
Is it time for you to update your current accent walls? For some, accent walls lose their impact after a while. If this is the same for you, exploring new options and patterns may be a good rainy day indoor paint project!
Find inspiration from this quick read on accent walls!
Complete Your Home Study or Office Setup
Home offices are here to stay! Make it your rainy day goal to go all out with your set-up! Because desks and shelves are not enough. From natural light to using the right colors, use these Island Premium Paints features on home office essentials and decor tips as your guide.
Don’t let anything rain on your vibrant parade! Painting indoors while raining? You can, with help from Island Premium Paints!
Our Products
Our line of high quality paints and products will give your home or project the vibrancy it needs.
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Ready to explore colorful possibiliies today? View our popular paint colo combination palettes for great color schemes and room design ideas for interior and exteriors.